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McLaughlin Bursary

Established in 2019 by Beverly McLaughlin, a Nurse who dedicated years of service in emergency care. Beverly has generously provided for this bursary to allow recipients to be eligible to apply for renewal for up to 4 years in their basic nursing studies.

Bursary Information

Level: Undergraduate
Area of study: First year undergraduate degree students

Special requirements

First year female nursing student enrolled in undergraduate nursing degree. Winners of this bursary will receive an award each year of their studies up to (4) years.

Past Recipients


  • Christina Harry (Vancouver Island University)
  • Libby Ferlaino (Thompson Rivers University)
  • Sandeep Dosanjh (British Columbia Institute of Technology)
  • Yuka Ishikawa (Langara College)


  • Christina Harry (Vancouver Island University)
  • Sandeep Dosanjh (British Columbia Institute of Technology)
  • Yuka Ishikawa (Langara College)


  • Carolyn Barakso (British Columbia Institute of Technology)
  • Sandeep Dosanjh (Douglas College)


  • Sandeep Dosanjh (British Columbia Institute of Technology)

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