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Introducing 2021 RNFBC Board

Following the Annual General Meeting yesterday, the following are the 2021 RNFBC board members:
Diane Clements: (President)
Diane is a RN (non-practicing) with an extensive career in clinical practice, education, administration, and government, including serving as the Director: Practice and Policy with CNA. She lives on Vancouver Island and is connected to a wide network of nurses across BC and Canada. After being appointed to the RNFBC Board in 2020 she assumed the position of VP and has been tirelessly involved in the transition committee thought this year. Her work has been essential to this process. Diane was elected to the Board.

Heather Mass: (Past President)

Heather is an RN (Non-practicing) and has been on the Board for RNFBC for 8 years, during which she has served as President twice: first in 2016 and again (as interim) in 2020. Prior to retiring from practice she held a variety of senior positions in nursing and health care administration, including as the Chief Nursing Officer for BC’s Children’s and Women’s Health Centre, and the Provincial Health Services Authority. She also has extensive experience as a consultant and in managing innovative projects. After retiring she established a Consulting Company with three colleagues and was engaged in many reviews and projects across BC and other provinces.

Pat Semeniuk: (Secretary)
Pat is an RN (non-practicing) and an Independent Health Care Consultant. She has wide experience in all levels and fields of practice, including senior administration, leadership and education. Before her retirement she was the executive Director of Clinical, Education and Management Development at Vancouver Costal Health. She is also very connected to a wide network of nurses and leaders. As a member of RNFBC Pat was first involved as a member of the Bursary Committee, then as an appointment Director to fill a vacancy on the Board. She too has been very involved on the Transition Committee and her skills and experience were pivotal in process of transition. Pat was elected to the Board.

Barb Lawrie: (Treasurer, Chair Audit & Finance Committee)
Barb Lawrie is an experienced and dedicated nursing leader, currently retired and was most recently employed as the Vice President, Professional Practice and Chief Clinical Information Officer at Vancouver Coastal Health.  Throughout her career she has been a future-focused, passionate, results driven leader who excels in navigating complex working environments and effectively and collaboratively engaging with stakeholders to achieve organizational outcomes, as evidenced by her current involvement in promoting and advancing the Strategic Vision of Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH).

Debbie Blaney:
Debbie is an experienced HR practitioner who has worked most recently as Executive Director, Talent Acquisition/Total Compensation with Vancouver Coastal Health. Her extensive experience in creating services and programs for organizations by providing strong leadership and connections, collaborating with others and using system/process/procedures innovation and transformation will bring a new and innovative perspective to the Board. She also a visionary and trusted advisor, seasoned communicator, strategic thinker with great connector/collaborator skills, all of which will be most useful as the Directors consider how RNFBC can and should evolve to continue to provide excellent services and outcomes.

Kelvin Britten:
Kelvin Britten is an accomplished nurse leader, educator, and clinician.  He is retired but was most recently employed as the Regional Professional Practice Leader in the Professional Practice Office for Interior Health.  This role included being the Regional Consultant for scope of practice optimization across all sectors and services within Interior Health and as the Regional Consultant for Chair Nursing Scope of Practice Council Interior Health.  He is also the current Co-Chair Health Professions Act Regional Leads (Nursing) Committee.

Anne Cameron:
Anne’s former nursing career and subsequent legal experience in the defense of personal injury, insurance and malpractice claims (including on behalf of hospitals, nurses and midwives) has given her the ability to communicate well and work effectively with many health profession disciplines and the general public. Her understanding of health issues and interpersonal skills has been a valuable resource within the firm when challenging medico-legal cases arise. Anne worked at Harper Grey Easton in Vancouver, for 6 years as a nurse/legal assistant then from 1993 to 1998 as a practicing lawyer before moving back to Victoria her hometown. Anne has been an executive member and Chair of the Vancouver Island Civil Litigation Subsection and an executive member of the Medical-Legal Society of BC. She served as a reviewer/member of the University of Victoria Human Research Ethics Board from 2009 to 2012 and has recently become a member of the RNFBC.  Anne was appointed to the Board

Lorelei Gibson:
Lorelei is a practicing RN with significant background in many areas of practice and leadership, particularly in the field of mental health and substance use. She is currently the Practice Leader: Mental Health and Substance Use Network with Interior Health.  She is also actively involved in other Boards, including with CNA. Her interest, skills and links to a large network of practice, educational communities and organizations will be of great help to RNFBC going forward as well. Lorelei was elected Director.

Katie McLellan:
Katie has both an RN from Thompson River University (2011) and an MN from UBC – Okanagan (2018). She also holds a Perinatal Care (Rural Nursing Certificate) from UNBC 2012. She is currently employed as a Registered Nurse, Infection Control Practitioner – Infection Prevention and Control at Ponderosa Lodge, Kamloops, BC. Her role is to support Infection Control practices in Long Term Care and designated rural acute sites and conduct surveillance in collaboration with the Communicable Disease Unit and Occupational Health regarding outbreak management and communicable disease reporting. Prior to this she has worked in a variety of positions focused on long term care, home health and community health. She has been and continues to be involved in several leadership initiatives and programs, including a Nursing Scope of Practice Council deliberating on issues regarding the optimization of nursing scope of practice. With this background Katie will bring a much needed perspective from young nurses and those working in the community and geriatric care – as well as her ideas and leadership skills – to the Board.

Elsie Tan:
Elsie graduated from BCIT, University of Victoria, and University of British Columbia. She has a Pediatric nursing background and has held a variety of teaching and leadership positions with her primary contributions to the University of British Columbia – Vancouver School of Nursing. She believes in mindful engagement in learning and teaching, and that we co-create environments we share. Elsie was a recipient of the Excellence in Nursing Education Award, College of Registered Nurses of BC. She appreciates RNFBC vision and mission being a recipient of awards and bursaries during her student days and she is looking forward to contributing to the Foundation as a Board Member.