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Seeking Experienced Indigenous Nurse for Board

The Registered Nurses Foundation of British Columbia (RNFBC) helps address some of the financial costs associated with education faced by nurses and nursing students through the provision of bursaries.  In doing so, we help alleviate some of the pressures on these nurses and the health care system.

RNFBC’s mandate is to:

  1. Promote the advancement of nursing practice and education;
  2. Provide financial assistance to and promote the education of individuals whether members of the nursing profession or otherwise to improve the practice of nursing; and
  3. Provide financial assistance for and promote research activities.

In 2022, the RNFBC received over 1600 applications from LPN, RPN and RN pre-licensure students and graduates.  Due to generous donors RNFBC was able to award $276,000 in bursaries to support 274 nurses.  See more about our bursaries.

Our key fundraising priorities for 2023 and 2024 are in the areas of supporting advancing nurses’ education in the following two areas:

  1. Complex seniors care
  2. Supporting Indigenous students in their pre-licensure education program and post graduate education

We seek an experienced Indigenous nurse to join the Board of Directors of the Registered Nurses Foundation of British Columbia (RNFBC) to add informed perspectives representative of their Indigenous worldviews and experience as a nurse. Our Board seeks to develop funding to support student nurses and would benefit from Indigenous specific insights and guidance as we do this work.

See the full position description