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Healthy Aging Month

This September we recognize Healthy Aging Month, designed to raise awareness of the positive aspects of growing older and to encourage individuals to take control of their health as they age.  Nurses play an essential role in educating older adults about healthy lifestyle choices, including proper nutrition, exercise, and preventive healthcare measures. They also offer guidance …

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Season of Giving

Throughout the challenges of the last number of years, we are grateful nurses have continued to do their jobs, caring for us when we are at our most vulnerable. We are also grateful that there are many who continue to choose nursing as their profession. Since 1979, Registered Nurses Foundation of BC has financially supported those entering schools of nursing as well as those who require further education to meet the needs of a complex health care system.

This year, the Foundation received many more applications from RNs, LPNs and RPNs than we could support. Sadly, we have had to disappoint many qualified applicants.

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Support Nurses

Nurses need our support.  This year, we have seen a record number of applicants for the RNFRBC bursaries.  We expect to support between 200 – 230 nursing students. While we commit to a minimum of $200,000 in funding each year, reaching this goal can be challenging. Who has not needed a nurse?  Nurses play an …

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