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A Year in Review

The Annual General Meeting of the Foundation was held on Monday, June 24, 2024.

Board President, Pat Semeniuk, shared some of the successes of the past year and the future plans for the Foundation.She noted that the number of bursary applications continues to rise year over year. In 2023 the Foundation received a total of 1,625 bursary applications. $198,000 in bursary funds was disbursed to 190 recipients. In 2024 we anticipate being able to disburse 900 bursaries. We are grateful to our donors and supporters.

The Board made progress building strategic alliances with the Nursing and Nurse Practitioners Association of BC, the Nursing Education Council of BC and the Nursing Policy Secretariat.  

Thanks to our new fundraising consultant, RNFBC now has a presence on social media.  Look for posts on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.  Stories from nurse recipients regarding the impact of the bursaries on their lives are being posted.  Please share these stories with your friends and others.

The five key fundraising priorities established for the next 5 years are:

  1. Complex seniors care (Action Bursary has been created)
  2. Indigenous nurse education (Indigenous Nurse Education Fund has been created)
  3. Masters and PhD in education
  4. Increasing the baseline amount of each bursary
  5. Mental health education

As the Board said goodbye to Pat Semeniuk as President, there were resounding thanks for the hard work she has put in over the last four years and the advancements in strategic initiatives.  She will stay for another year as Past President and will be a wonderful resource.

Pat is succeeded by Dianne Doyle, who has 30 years of senior executive experience, predominantly within an academic health science centre and has been the RNBC Chair of the Fundraising and Communications Committee. Tanice Miller will now take over that role.

The Foundation thanks Diane Ready for her service as Treasurer.  Diane has handed over the reins to Raji Dhaliwal.  We also said goodbye to Lorelei Gibson who was with Board for many years and who provided policy guidance and key assistance in the formation of the Indigenous Nurse Education Bursary.

Raji Dhaliwal, Alix Arndt, Tanice Miller and Anna Helewka joined the Board of Directors.

The Foundation is well set for the next year with a strong Board.

Watch for future postings about a fall reception to celebrate RNFBCs’s 45th  Anniversary.